

Our agency works with a variety of partners across the public, private, and non-profit sectors to assist property owners interested in best preservation practices.

National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
Education, advocacy and training for local preservation programs

National Trust for Historic Preservation
Advocating for historic preservation throughout the US

Preservation Action
National grassroots lobby for preservation 

Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas
Advocating for historic preservation throughout Arkansas

Quapaw Quarter Association
Advocating for historic preservation in Little Rock

Little Rock Downtown Partnership
Promoting business, culture, entertainment, recreation, and living in downtown Little Rock 

Preservation-based economic development and revitalization on Little Rock’s South Main Street

Downtown Neighborhood Association
Facebook group dedicated to promoting Little Rock’s downtown neighborhoods
National Park Service Preservation Briefs
The nitty-gritty, nuts-and-bolts of caring for historic properties

State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
Administered by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program

Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
Administered by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program

Pulaski County Historical Society
Countywide history organization, publishes Pulaski County Historical Review

Arkansas Historical Association
Statewide history organization, publishes Arkansas Historical Quarterly

Arkansas Geneological Society
Statewide history organization, publishes Arkansas Family Historian

Arkansas History Commission & State Archives
State agency charged with maintaining original records of Arkansas’s state and local history

Arkansas Studies Institute
UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture

Butler Center for Arkansas Studies

Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture
If it’s not here, it didn’t happen in Arkansas.

Amy E. Jones

Director, Capitol Zoning District Commission

Joseph LaRue

Planning & Preservation Coordinator, Capitol Zoning District Commission


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