State Historic Preservation Plan


Every five years, the staff at the AHPP reviews their work over the previous five-year period, develops and examines information to assess current trends related to Arkansas’s historic and cultural properties, and works to develop goals and objectives to guide its efforts for preservation of Arkansas’s precious cultural resources as it moves into the next five-year period. It is based on the experience of the AHPP’s staff in the field, research-based metrics developed through studies and data collection, and constituent contributions. In developing the plan, the AHPP sought public participation through community “listening sessions” in six cities and through an online survey, in addition to relying on internal data and expertise. It includes analysis of the current context for preservation of historic resources in the state—the economic and social pressures and opportunities for practicing preservation in Arkansas—and an exploration of the AHPP’s existing programs and potential new initiatives to enhance the quality of life of all Arkansans by preserving our heritage resources.

This plan will guide the AHPP’s undertakings of the next five years, but also is intended to guide and inform the efforts of others in the state’s preservation community. While we plan for the AHPP’s work for the preservation of Arkansas’s heritage places in the next five years, we know AHPP will be most effective working in partnership with individuals and entities on the local, state, and federal levels to encourage and facilitate preservation activities. Working smart to make the most of existing resources will be a priority. It is the intent of the staff of the AHPP to continue to provide the highest level of service to ensure that Arkansas’s unique historic fabric and authentic character remains intact for future generations.

Statewide Preservation Plan

Planning for Preservation: The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program Plan 2023-2028
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program is in the process of preparing a five-year plan to guide its efforts to preserve Arkansas’s historic and architectural heritage. We want to hear your thoughts about the threats facing Arkansas’s heritage resources, what we ought to make our highest priorities, and what you think might help us most as we work to meet our goals. 

There are two ways you can help us immediately—one, fill out the survey below; and two, if you would like to take part in our community round-table discussions (live or virtually) please fill out the form and our director will add you to our list.


I’m willing to fill out your Historic Preservation Plan survey.


Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey and help us safeguard our state’s historic places.

Yes, I’d like to take part in the 2022-2025 Arkansas Statewide Preservation Plan Form

Do you have access to wifi?
Are you comfortable using Zoom, Google Maps, Microsoft Teams or other online virtual meeting platfoms?