Seven of the nine members of the Commission, including the chair, are appointed by the Governor. The other two are named by the Secretary of State and City of Little Rock's Director of Planning and Development. Most of the Commission members live or work in the District. Current Commission members are:
The Mansion Area Advisory Committee (MAAC) provides citizen advice and feedback to the Commission on all matters relating to the ongoing revitalization of the Mansion Area. The MAAC strives to:
The MAAC is comprised of up to 27 members who either reside or own property in the Mansion Area. Up to three additional at-large members may also serve on the MAAC.
Current committee members are:
The Capitol Area Advisory Committee (CAAC) provides citizen advice and feedback to the Commission on all matters relating to the ongoing revitalization of the Capitol Area. The CAAC is comprised of up to 30 members who either own property or a business in the Capitol Area, or have worked to enhance the Capitol Area.
Current members
Director, Capitol Zoning District Commission
Planning & Preservation Coordinator, Capitol Zoning District Commission
The criteria used by the Commission are laid out in the Capitol Zoning Administrative Rules and Procedures, General Standards, Framework Master Plans, and Rehabilitation and Design Standards. If your proposal is use-related, the General Standards and Framework Master Plan for the area in which the proposed use are located will be most helpful. If you are proposing design-related work, the Rehabilitation and Design Standards will be most helpful. The CZDC staff is also happy to answer any questions you have about what factors the Commission will take into account when your application is reviewed.
Please note: While we try our very best to keep this web site up to date, we cannot guarantee that the materials presented on this site are the latest available. Please check with the staff to determine current requirements and forms.