Arkansas Made

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Arkansas Made Vol. 1 & 2 

In 1991 and 1992, respectively, Arkansas Made Vol. 1 & 2 were published. These inaugural tomes contain hundreds of names and biographical details about artists and artisans working in the state up to 1870. Additionally, dozens of Arkansas Made works from private and public collections were showcased together for the first time. This survey resulted in the museum’s acquisition of hundreds of new Arkansas Made objects and recommitment to document Arkansas’s creative legacy. 

In 2021, the second editions of Arkansas Made Vol. 1 & 2 were published and bring the work of Arkansas’s earliest artists and artisans forward to 1950. Two new additions to this study includes a new didactic survey of the material culture of both prehistoric and protohistoric Native Americans, our first Arkansans, followed by a first look at the state’s vernacular architecture of the nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth century. These expanded and revised volumes are the result of three decades of new research and discoveries. 

These series of publications are part and parcel of Historic Arkansas Museum’s exhaustive investigation into the history of the state’s material culture past. Historic Arkansas Museum’s mission to document, interpret, and preserve the state’s creative legacy continues to be the guiding principle of Arkansas Made’s research for more than four decades. 

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