Staff Publications


Holimon, W.C., C.W. Benkman, and M.F. Willson. 1998. The importance of mature conifers to red crossbills in southeast Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 102:167-172.

Benkman, C.W., W.C. Holimon, and J.W. Smith. 2001. The influence of a competitor on the geographic mosaic of coevolution between crossbills and lodgepole pine. Evolution 53:282-294.

Holimon, W.C. and D.A. James. 2003. Nesting willow flycatchers discovered at Harrison, Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 57:81-85.

Holimon, W.C. and W.G. Montague. 2003. Reciprocal translocation re-establishes breeding status of Mississippi Alluvial Plain population of red-cockaded woodpeckers in Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 57:197-198.

Holimon, W.C., R.H. Doster, D.A. James, M.L. Mlodinow, J.C. Neal, and W.M. Shepherd. 2004. First documentation that Henslow's sparrow regularly occurs during the breeding and wintering seasons in Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 58:111-116.

Holimon, W.C., C.T. Witsell, W.H. Baltosser, and C.W. Rideout. 2008. Density and habitat associations of Henslow's Sparrows wintering in saline soil barrens in southern Arkansas. Journal of Field Ornithology 79(4):364-370.

Holimon, W.C., J.A. Akin, W.H. Baltosser, C.W. Rideout, and C.T. Witsell. 2012. Structure and composition of grassland habitats used by wintering Smith’s Longspurs: the importance of native grasses. Journal of Field Ornithology 83:351-361.


Stearman, L.W. and D.T. Lynch. 2013. Patterns of assemblage change in prairie stream fishes in relation to urban stormwater impoundments.   Hydrobiologia 718: 221-235. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1629-z

Lynch, D.T. and L.W. Stearman. 2015.  Notes on the distribution of the Ozark Logperch (Percina fulvitaenia) in the Lower Cimarron River. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 95 (2015).

Magoulick, D.D. and D.T. Lynch. 2015. Occupancy and abundance modeling of the endangered yellowcheek darter in Arkansas. Copeia 103(2): 433-439. DOI: 10.1643/CE-14-116

Lynch, D.T. and Magoulick, D.D. 2016. Effects of pulse and press drying on benthic stream communities. Freshwater Science 35(3): 998-1009. DOI:10.1086/687837

Lynch, D.T., D.R. Leasure, and D.D. Magoulick. 2018. The influence of drought on flow-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams. Freshwater Biology 63: 946-968. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13089

Lynch, D.T., C.T. Witsell, B.A. Rupar, W.C. Holimon, D.W. Bowman. 2019. The devil and the deep blue lake: How natural area acquisition and stewardship helps protect the major drinking reservoir in northwestern Arkansas. Natural Areas Journal 39(1): 78-89. DOI: 10.3375/043.039.0106

Lynch, D.T., D.R. Leasure, and D.D. Magoulick. 2019. Flow alteration-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams: Consequences for fish, crayfish, and macroinvertebrate assemblages. Science of the Total Environment 672: 680-697. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitoenv.2019.03.383



Witsell, C.T., G.A. Heidt, P.L. Dozhier, T. Frothingham, and M. Lynn. 1999. Recent documentation of mountain lion (Puma concolor) in Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 53:157-158.


Cavalieri, C.N., D.T. Lynch, and S.F. Fox. 2011. Using a portable reader for non-invasive detection of PIT-tagged skinks under cover-boards. Herpetological Review 42(2): 181-184.


Foti, T.L. 1970. Correlation between selected soil and vegetation factors, Sylamore District, Ozark National Forest. U. of A. unpbl. M.S. Thesis.

Foti, T.L. 1975. The natural divisions of Arkansas. In Arkansas Natural Area Plan, Ark. Dept. of Planning, Little Rock, pp. 11-34.

Foti, T.L. 1976. Arkansas, its land and people. Arkansas Department of Education, Little Rock, 71p.

Foti, T.L. 1978. The Natural Divisions of Arkansas, a Classroom Guide. Arkansas Ecology Center, Little Rock, 70p.

Irving, R.S., S. Brenholts and T.L. Foti. 1980. Composition and net primary production of native prairies in eastern Arkansas. Am. Midl. Nat. 103(2): 298-309.

Foti, T.L. 1984. Environmental considerations of the prehistoric river valley. In P. C. Sherrod, Motifs of ancient man, pp. 130-135. UALR, Little Rock.

Foti, T.L. 1989. Blackland prairies of southwestern Arkansas. Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science 43:23-28.

Foti, T.L. 1990. The vegetation of Saratoga Landing blackland prairie. Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science 44:40-43.

Foti, T.L. and S.M. Glenn. 1992. The Ouachita Mountain landscape at the time of settlement. In: Hedrick, L. and D. Henderson, eds. Proceedings of the conference, Restoration of old growth forests in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Ouachita National Forest, Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development: 49-65.

Foti, T.L. and G. Hansen. 1992. Arkansas and the Land. 1992. U of A Press, Fayetteville. 113 pp.

Foti, T.L. 1993. The river's gifts and curses. In: J. Whayne and W.B. Gatewood eds. The Arkansas Delta, Land of Paradox. U of A Press, Fayetteville. pp. 30-52.

Foti, T.L. and M.S. Devall. 1994. Herbaceous plant biodiversity of stands in the Ouachita and Ozark national forests. In: Baker, J.B. 1994. Proceedings of a symposium on ecosystem management research in the Ouachita Mountain: pretreatment conditions and preliminary findings. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station.

Foti, T.L. and J.M. Guldin. 1994. Multivariate analysis of the ground cover layer, shrub layer, midstory, and overstory. In: Baker, J.B. 1994. Proceedings of a symposium on ecosystem management research in the Ouachita Mountain: pretreatment conditions and preliminary findings. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station.

Foti, T.L., X. Li, M. Blaney and K. Smith. 1994. A classification system for the natural vegetation of Arkansas. Proc. Ark. Acad. Science 48:50-62.

Foti, T.L. and G.A. Bukenhofer. 1998. A description of the sections and subsections of the Interior Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 52:53-62.

Foti, T.L. and G.A. Bukenhofer. 1999. Chapter 1: Ecological units of the Highlands. In Ozark-Ouachita Highlands Assessment: terrestrial vegetation and wildlife. Report 5 of 5. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-35. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 1-6.

Foti, T.L., L.L. Richards, J. Andre and J.E. Voeller. 1999. Chapter 2: Prehistoric and historic ecological changes. In Ozark-Ouachita Highlands Assessment: terrestrial vegetation and wildlife. Report 5 of 5. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-35. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 1-6.

Hamel, P.B. and T.L. Foti., tech. eds. 2001. Bottomland hardwoods of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Characteristics and management of natural function, structure and composition. A Symposium at Fayetteville, AR October 28, 1995. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-42. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 109 p.

Tingle, J.L., C.V. Klimas, and T.L. Foti. 2001. Application of General Land Office Survey notes to bottomland hardwood ecosystem management and restoration in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley - an example from Desha County, Arkansas. In: Hamel, P.B. and T.L. Foti tech. Eds. Bottomland hardwoods of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: characteristics and management of natural function, structure, and composition. 1995 October 28. Fayetteville, AR. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-42. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 16-27.

Foti, T.L. 2001. Presettlement forests of the Black Swamp area, Cache River, Woodruff County, Arkansas from notes of the first land survey. In: Hamel, P.B. and T.L. Foti, eds. Bottomland hardwoods of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: characteristics and management of natural function, structure, and composition. 1995 October 28. Fayetteville, AR. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-42. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 7-15.

Foti, T.L., S. Simon, D. Zollner, and M. Hattenbach. 2003. Blackland prairie landscapes of southwestern Arkansas: historical perspective, present status and restoration potential. pp. 94-109 In Blackland Prairies of the Gulf Coastal Plain, Nature, Culture and Sustainability, E. Peacock and T. Schausecker, eds. University of Alabama Press Tuscaloosa and London. 348 pp.

Woods, A.J., T.L. Foti, S.S. Chapman, J.M. Omernik, J.A. Wise, E.O. Murray, W.L. Prior, J.B. Pagan, J.A. Comstock, Jr., and M. Radford. 2004. Ecoregions of Arkansas (color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables and photographs): Reston, Virginia, US Geological Survey (map scale 1:1,000,000).

Foti, T.L. 2004. Upland hardwood forests and related communities of the Arkansas Ozarks in the early 19th century. In: Spetich, A., ed. Upland oak ecology symposium: history, current conditions, and sustainability. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-73. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 21-29.

Klimas, C.V., E.O. Murray, J. Pagan, H. Langston, and T.L. Foti. 2005. A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of forested wetlands in the West Gulf Coastal Plain region of Arkansas. ERDC/EL TR-05-12. US Army Corps of Engineers.

Klimas, C.V., E.O. Murray, H. Langston, T. WitsellT. Foti, and R. Holbrook. 2006. A regional guidebook for conducting functional assessments of wetland and riparian forests in the Ouachita Mountains and Crowley’s Ridge regions of Arkansas. ERCS/EL TR-06-14, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Klimas, C.V., E.O. Murray, H. Langston, J. Pagan, C.T. Witsell, and T.L. Foti. 2008.   A regional guidebook for conducting functional assessments of forested wetlands and riparian areas in the Ozark Mountains region of Arkansas. ERDC/EL TR-08-31. US Army Corps of Engineers.

Klimas, C.V., E.O. Murray, H. Langston, J.Pagan, T. Witsell, and T. Foti. 2008.  A regional guidebook for conducting functional assessments of forested wetlands in the Arkansas Valley region of Arkansas. ERDC/EL TR-08-23, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Klimas, C.V., E.O. Murray, T.L. Foti, J. Pagan, M. Williamson and H. Langston. 2009. An Ecosystem restoration model for the Mississippi Alluvial Valley based on geomorphology, soils, and hydrology. Wetlands Vol. 29, No. 2, June 2009, pp. 430-450.

Seifert, C.L., R.T. Cox, S.L. Forman, T.L. Foti, T.A. Wasklewicz, and A.T. McColgan. 2009. Relict nebkhas (pimple mounds) record prolonged late Holocene drought in the forested region of south-central United States. Quaternary Research 71: 329-339.

Lockhart, B.R., J.M. Guldin, and T.L. Foti. 2010. "Tree species composition and structure in an old bottomland hardwood forest in south-central Arkansas." CASTANEA 75(3): 315-29. September 2010.

Klimas, C.V., E.O. Murray, J. Pagan, H. Langston, and T. Foti. 2011. A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing functions of forested wetlands in the Delta region of Arkansas, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, version 2.0. ERDC/EL TR-11-12, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Bragg, D.C., R. O’Neill, W. Holimon, J. Fox, G. Thornton, and R. Mangham. 2014. Moro Big Pine: Conservation and collaboration in the pine flatwoods of Arkansas. Journal of Forestry 112:446-456.


Irving, R.L., S. Brenholts and T.L. Foti. 1980. Composition and net primary production of native prairies in eastern Arkansas. American Midland Naturalist 103(2):298-309.

Witsell, C.T. and W.M. Shepherd. 1998. Rediscovery of Marsilea vestita subsp. vestita in Pulaski County, Arkansas after 162 years. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 52:142-143.

Peck, J.H., C.T. Witsell, and E. Hendrix. 2000. Dryopteris goldiana and its hybrid with D. celsa new to Arkansas. American Fern Journal 90:110-111.

McKenzie, P.M., T. Smith, and C.T. Witsell. 2003. Carex conoidea (Cyperaceae) new to Arkansas with notes on its occurrence in Arkansas and Missouri. Sida 20:1727-1730.

Pringle, J.S and C.T. Witsell. 2005. A new species of Sabatia (Gentianaceae) from Saline County, Arkansas. SIDA 21:1249-1262.

Witsell, C.T. and B. Baker. 2006. The vascular flora of the South Fork Native Plant Preserve, Van Buren County, Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 60:144-164.

McKenzie, P.M., C.T. Witsell, and J. Woolbright. 2006. Carex bicknellii (Cyperaceae) new to Arkansas. Sida 22:801-804.

Dahal, P., H. Liechty, B.A. Rupar, C. Fristoe, E. Heitzman. 2006. Hardwood vigor and survival following applications of imazapyr in mid-rotation pine plantations. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-92. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pp. 171-173.

Witsell, C.T. 2007. Hypericum adpressum (Clusiaceae) new to Arkansas and the Ouachita Mountains, U.S.A. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1:713-716.

Rupar, B.A. 2008. Growth response of Loblolly Pine and Competing vegetation to midrotation herbicide and fertilizer application. M.S. Thesis, University of Arkansas at Monticello, 85 p.

Jones, R.L., C.T. Witsell, and G.L. Nesom. 2008. Distribution and taxonomy of Symphyotrichium sericeum and S. pratense (Asteraceae: Astereae). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2:731-739.

Simpson, J.D. Crank, C.T. Witsell, and J.H. Peck. 2008. Two exotic ferns, Dryopteris erythrosora and Marsilea quadrifolia, newly naturalized in Arkansas. American Fern Journal 98:111-112.

McKenzie, P.M., C.T. Witsell, L.R. Phillippe, C.S. Reid, M.A. Homoya, S.B. Rolfsmeier, C.A. Morse. 2009. Status assessment of Eleocharis wolfii (Cyperaceae) in the United States. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(2):831-854.

Weakley, A.S., R.J. LeBlond, B.A. Sorrie, C.T. Witsell, L.D. Estes, K. Gandhi, K.G. Matthews, and A. Ebihara. 2011. "New combinations, rank changes, and nomenclatural and taxonomic comments in the vascular flora of the Southestern United States." Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(2): 437-55.

MacRoberts, BR., M.H. MacRoberts, and C.T. Witsell. 2011. "Small-scale vascular plant species richness in southwestern Arkansas Blackland Prairies." Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(2): 743-51.

Gentry, J.L., G.P. Johnson, B.T. BakerC.T. Witsell, and J.D. Ogle, eds. 2013. Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Arkansas. University of Arkansas Herbarium, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Marsico, T.D., E.R. Krimmel, J.R. Carter, E.L. Gillespie, P.D. Lowe, R. McCauley, A.B. Morris, G. Nelson, M. Smith, D.L. Soteropoulos, and A.K. Monfils. 2020. "Small herbaria contribute unique biogeographic records to county, locality, and temporal scales." American Journal of Botany 107(11): 1577-1587.


Soteropoulos, D.L., C.R. De Bellis, C.T. Witsell. 2021. Citizen science contributions to address biodiversity loss and conservation planning in a rapidly developing region. Diversity 13 (6):255. DOI: 10.3390/d13060255


Soteropoulos, D.L. and T.D. Marsico. 2022. Community science success for herbarium transcription in Arkansas: building a network of students and volunteers for Notes from Nature. Castanea 87(1): 54-74. Available by request from .

Soteropoulos, D. L., Ledvina, J. A., & Marsico, T. D. 2022. An exploration of the vascular flora of Pine City Natural Area, Monroe County, Arkansas, U.S.A., in comparison to the Mississippi Alluvial Plain in eastern Arkansas (U.S.A.). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 16(1): 165-194.