Donate to Our Collection

You and your family history are important to us. History is not just about the famous and the great. History happens every day and deserves to be preserved. The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center collects all types of artifacts related to Arkansas's African American history of 1870 to the present. We also collect art by African American artists with an Arkansas connection. Find out more about what we are looking for and how you can add to the collection.

exhibit on wooden table in glass case of photos and writing on paper
Collecting Scope

Items That Support MTCC’s Mission

The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center is a history museum. MTCC does not collect archeological materials or natural history specimens unless they are directly related to Arkansas's African American history.

A number of criteria determine whether an object is accepted into the collection of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center. This criterion includes:

  • condition of the object(s)
  • provenance of the object(s)
  • title/ownership of the object(s)
  • price of the object(s)
  • whether or not a similar object is already in the collection

Two additional criteria – geographical and temporal – also play a role in determining whether or not MTCC staff will accept an object.


The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center will seek object(s) from all 75 Arkansas counties that have an African American connection. MTCC will seek items from outside of Arkansas that meet the following criteria:

  • Artifacts made in Arkansas by or for the use of African Americans
  • Artifacts made or created by an African American Arkansan (whether living in state or not)
  • Artifacts owned by an African American who lived in Arkansas and was owned/used during the time the individual lived in Arkansas
  • Artifacts assigned or assumed cultural identity (dolls, printed material, etc.) directly related to African Americans in Arkansas (limited to made and used in Arkansas).
  • Artifacts that highlight or promote better understanding of race issues and the complexity of inter and extra-racial relations (i.e. artifacts made and used by non African Americans or made and used by African Americans that impart racial identity).


The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center collects objects from 1870 to the present. MTCC reserves the right to collect objects made/created prior to 1870.


The mission of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center is to collect, preserve, interpret and celebrate Arkansas's African American history, culture, and community from 1870 to the present, and to inform and educate the public about black achievements – especially in business, politics, and the arts.

Help us preserve the history of African Americans in Arkansas!

Black-owned business related:

  • Record book or ledger from black owned business
  • Jewelry, arts, crafts, etc. made by or owned by black Arkansans
  • Restaurant menu or menu board from a restaurant located on 9th Street or other black business areas in Arkansas
  • Ads, signage, fliers from 9th Street businesses or other black business areas in Arkansas
  • Objects and memorabilia for black business districts or businesses around the state (Helen's Walnut Street, Pine Bluff, Hot Springs, Blytheville, Osceola, Texarkana, Marianna…) - restaurant menus, ads, signage, fliers, business cards, letterhead, photographs, etc.
  • Programs/fliers/advertisements for musical performances, boxing matches, dances on 9th Street or other black business areas in Arkansas
  • Pharmacy/Medical (used by black doctors, dentist, or pharmacists in Arkansas)
  • Medical bag
  • Early medical tools
  • Frank Coffin's poetry books:
    - Coffin's Poems with AJAX Ordeals (1897)
    - Frank Coffin, Factum Factorum (1947)
  • Advertisements for black-owned and operated drug stores
  • High John the Conqueror products
  • Diploma of African American doctors, pharmacists from Arkansas

Mosaic Templars of America (MTA)

  • MTA membership log or book
  • MTA Badges
  • MTA Insurance policies
  • MTA Juvenile policies
  • Copy of the Mosaic Guide (newspaper)
  • Nursing school – uniforms, medical equipment, textbooks
  • Publishing company - Examples from MTA publishing/printing company items
  • Objects from other chapters in other states

African American life in Arkansas, 1870 to 1970

  • Jim Crow political cartoons
  • Artifacts from specific schools – Dunbar, Jones HS, Fargo, Southland, Shorter, Arkansas Baptist, Branch Normal (now UAPB), Philander Smith or other schools
    - Yearbooks
    - School programs
    - Diplomas
    - Letter sweaters/ jackets
    - Photos
  • Objects related to Equal Pay for Teachers cases
  • Baseball paraphernalia used by black semi-professional, PONY leagues, Little League – (uniforms, equipment, etc)
  • Church artifacts including celebration programs, photographs, etc.

Even if you think it is junk, please give us a call and let us come look at it.

political cartoon image of jim crow airplane
Wish List
The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center is seeking artifacts and images for our collections. We will gladly accept donations and/or long term loans. If you have questions regarding artifacts and images on this list, please contact Bryan McDade.
medal with eagle image
Appraisal Policy

The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center is unable to provide monetary value appraisals of materials offered as gifts, brought in for identification, or submitted for any other purpose. The Internal Revenue Service regards museums as interested parties and appraisals prepared by them for gifts that they receive are subject to question. Consequently, to protect both its donors and itself, the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center can not appraise artifacts. When an appraisal is used for tax or insurance purposes, an appraiser must be prepared to defend his or her appraisal in court. You should expect to pay an appraisal fee unless materials are subsequently purchased by the appraiser.

Similar considerations apply when appraisals are requested for reasons not connected with gifts and tax deductions. Accurate establishment of a price can be a complex procedure, requiring a time-consuming search in auction records and price guides that we are unable to undertake. Appraisers in your area can be located by checking the telephone directory under headings such as "Appraiser" and "Antique-Dealers."