The NHD National Contest Travel Grant Program is funded by the one-eighth cent conservation tax which is a limited source. Not every applicant can be fully funded. The maximum grant award is $600 per student. All, part or none of the applicant’s request may be awarded.
Deadline: April 29, 2022
Travel Grant applications will be reviewed and evaluated against the goals, evaluation criteria and eligible activities of the grant program by a panel of three or more individuals to be appointed by the Director of the Department of Arkansas Heritage. The panel will include the State Historian or his/her designee. This panel will make the funding decisions. Grants will be awarded based on available funding.
Instructions For Applying Online
If you have previously
created an online account with Department of Arkansas Heritage for a
grant through
one of the resource divisions (Arkansas
Historic Preservation Program/AHPP or Arkansas Arts Council/AAC or
Arkansas State
Archives/ASA), do NOT create a new one.
If you have never applied for an online account with any Department of Arkansas Heritage program, click on “Create New Account.” To create a new account, answer the questions with the fields marked with an (*).
The following are NOT needed to apply for a Small Museums Grant:
a. EIN/Tax ID #
b. DUNS Number
c. Organization’s Longitude
d .Organization’s Latitude
Once you have completed the LOGON process, you will enter the ACCESS CODE: 19NHD
After you enter the Access Code, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue APPLY button.
All applicants will be asked to provide the following information for each student receiving travel grant funds: